9 Oldest Dog Breeds in the World and Their Fascinating History

9 Oldest Dog Breeds in the World and Their Fascinating History

Dogs have been our companions for thousands of years, and some breeds trace their lineage back to ancient civilizations. These breeds have evolved alongside humans, serving various roles from hunting and guarding to herding and companionship. Here are nine of the oldest dog breeds in the world, each with its own unique and fascinating history.

1. Saluki: The Ancient Egyptian Hunter

The Saluki is considered one of the oldest dog breeds, with origins dating back to ancient Egypt around 329 B.C. Salukis were highly valued by nomadic tribes for their speed and hunting abilities, and they were often mummified alongside their owners as a sign of respect.

Capable of reaching speeds up to 42 miles per hour, they were used to hunt a variety of game including gazelle and deer. Today, Salukis are known for their grace, speed, and gentle temperament​

2. Basenji: The Barkless Dog of Africa

The Basenji, also known as the “barkless dog,” hails from the Congo region of Africa. This breed is believed to be depicted in ancient Egyptian artifacts, highlighting its historical significance. The Basenji communicates with a unique sound known as a “barroo” instead of barking. Known for their alertness and agility, Basenjis were traditionally used for hunting and as watchdogs​.

3. Afghan Hound: The Exotic Aristocrat

The Afghan Hound is a breed that can trace its lineage back approximately 6,000 years to the mountainous regions of Afghanistan. Known for their luxurious coats and aloof temperament, Afghan Hounds were originally used for hunting large game in the rugged terrain of Afghanistan. They are one of the most recognizable ancient breeds due to their unique appearance and dignified demeanor​.

4. Samoyed: The Siberian Snow Dog

The Samoyed, named after the Samoyedic people of Siberia, has been around for thousands of years. They were used for herding reindeer, hunting, and pulling sleds. Samoyeds are known for their friendly disposition and the characteristic “Sammy smile.” Despite their gentle nature, they are strong and resilient dogs capable of enduring harsh Siberian winters​.

5. Alaskan Malamute: The Arctic Powerhouse

The Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest Arctic sled dogs, originating over 3,000 years ago. Bred by the Mahlemut tribe in Alaska, these dogs were used for hauling heavy loads, hunting seals, and defending against polar bears. Known for their strength and endurance, Malamutes are excellent working dogs and loyal family companions​.

6. Akita Inu: The Noble Protector

The Akita Inu is a powerful and noble breed from Japan, with a history dating back thousands of years. Originally bred for hunting large game such as bears and boars, Akitas are known for their loyalty and bravery. They have a strong protective instinct and are often reserved around strangers but affectionate with their family​.

7. Chow Chow: The Ancient Chinese Guardian

Chow Chows are one of the oldest and most recognizable breeds from China, known for their blue-black tongues and dense coats. They have been depicted in ancient Chinese artifacts dating back to the Han Dynasty. Originally used for hunting and guarding, Chows are independent and can be aloof, but they are fiercely loyal to their families​.

8. Shar Pei: The Chinese Warrior

The Shar Pei, with its distinctive wrinkled skin, originated in China around 200 B.C. They were used as guard dogs and hunters. Their unique appearance and strong guarding instincts made them valuable protectors of livestock and property. Today, they are known for their loyalty and independence, though they can be wary of strangers.

9. Shiba Inu: The Little But Brave

The Shiba Inu is one of Japan’s oldest and smallest native breeds. Known for their spirited personality and agility, Shibas were originally bred for hunting small game in mountainous terrain. They have a distinctive alert expression and are known for being bold and independent​.


These ancient dog breeds offer a glimpse into the rich history of canine companionship. Each breed has unique characteristics and a storied past that reflects the cultures and environments they evolved in. Whether for hunting, guarding, or companionship, these dogs have been loyal partners to humans for thousands of years.


Which is the oldest dog breed in the world?

The Saluki is considered one of the oldest, with evidence tracing back to ancient Egypt around 329 B.C.

Are ancient dog breeds good family pets?

Many ancient breeds, like the Samoyed and Akita Inu, make excellent family pets due to their loyalty and protective nature.

What makes the Basenji unique among ancient breeds?

The Basenji is known as the “barkless dog” because it makes a unique yodel-like sound instead of barking.

Why do some ancient breeds have such distinctive appearances?

Many ancient breeds developed unique traits like the Shar Pei’s wrinkled skin or the Chow Chow’s blue-black tongue for protection and adaptation to their environments.

Do ancient dog breeds have special care requirements?

Yes, some ancient breeds like the Alaskan Malamute and Chow Chow have specific needs due to their thick coats and history as working dogs.

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